Archive for the -SAVE YOURSELF FROM RELIGION Category

Save Yourself From Religion!

Posted in -MISC, -SAVE YOURSELF FROM RELIGION, Religion with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 19, 2008 by DoubtingThomas

Save Yourself From Religion! 

Robert M. Pirsig: “When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion.”

All gods have been invented by man. Since the earliest days of our existence we have created gods to comfort our fears (mainly death) and explain the unexplainable. It’s absurd to suggest that primitive humans guessed wrongly about everything else, but were spot on regarding the origins of life. Once upon a time it was our god(s) who caused the lightning to strike and the thunder to rumble, same with the windstorms, plagues, tidal waves, floods, and earthquakes. It was our god(s) who lifted the sun into the sky (if the sun itself wasn’t the god) and darkened the moon. How many times has something, especially the origin of something, that was once attributed to a god, had the truth revealed by science? Whenever a new truth is discovered, some religious belief falters. And rarely, if ever, does a new scientific discovery ever support any religious theory. Just how many of the stories of the bible need to be proven fallacies before those who hold its pages in reverence will begin to question their conviction? Let’s face it, there are many who, even with the evidence of a story’s fiction placed right before them, will deny its validity before they even consider denying the absoluteness of their holy book. Is there truly any way to convince such people? Is faith simply a synonym for willful ignorance? How is it that the faithful can so casually dismiss ALL the other gods and religions mankind has invented over the years, acknowledging that they are ALL fallacious man made drivel, ALL, that is, with the exception of THEIR god and their particular religion? Could there be a more perfect example of arrogance and narcissism?

On what do you base your faith? Dogma? The pretty, comforting scripture you repeat over and over like a mantra, carefully avoiding the rest of the biblical passages that are utterly horrifying and/or obviously fiction? Are you simply the faith of your parents? And by parents, I mean original/birth parents. Are you more likely to belong to the faith of those who birthed you or those who raised you? If, at 4 years old, your parents died while taking you on a Christian missionary expedition through the mountains of Afghanistan, and a local family of Muslims found you and raised you as their own, do you really think you wouldn’t grow up a Muslim? Why would God allow a Muslim family to lead one of his children away from the one, true faith? Is it because what religion you belong to is completely arbitrary? And can anything arbitrary ever be taken as an absolute?

The truth WILL set you free. But you will not find it in the pages of the bible or any other religious doctrine. But please do read the bible, and in its ENTIRETY, but do so with open eyes and a clear mind. No one who does so can possibly come away having any desire to glory in the god depicted in its pages. 

Please visit my main page ( to gain a better understanding of where I am coming from. There you will find all my observations regarding religion and the bible categorized on the left hand side of the page. Please feel free to read through them and leave a comment or two if you like.